Redefining Real Estate and Smart Cities: Perfect Blend of Architecture and Living Canvas


  • Bhupinder Singh


Real Estate, Smart Cities, Urban Living, Architecture, Innovation


Smart Cities upend conventional real estate development paradigms with their data-driven decisionmaking, intelligent infrastructure and sustainable practices. Urban fabric is changing as a result of the incorporation of cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and sustainable design concepts. The idea of a “living canvas” suggests developing urban settings that are dynamic ecosystems that can change to meet the community's changing requirements rather
than static structures. The modern architectural designs make use of technology to maximize resource usage, improve energy efficiency and create engaging, user-centered environments. It highlights the significance of user comfort, safety and well-being while examining the relationship between intelligent architecture solutions and the human experience. This paper explores how these technologies are transforming the smart building construction and how they help to create dynamic and flexible spaces that adapt to the demands of both the environment and the occupants.


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