An overview on the aspect and magnitude of Hazardous Child Labour in the world


  • Pratim Sarkar Haldia Law College, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India


Children, Human Rights, Hazardous Child Labour, International, Convention, Elimination, Unemployment, Poverty, HIV/AIDs, Cancer, Initiatives.


Child is considered as a serious and major complex social problem and it is a global issue. The eradication of this evil practice is much essential for mankind’s wellbeing and for future development. ‘Hazardous Child Labour’ is the largest category of the "worst forms" of child labour. According to ILO, around 215 million child labourer are existed in the globe and among them 73 million are involved in hazardous work.  The ILO estimates that some 22,000 children are killed at work every year worldwide.  Cancer, infertility, chronic back pain and IQ reduction are some of the possible long-term consequence. It is essentially a socio-economic problem strongly linked to poverty and illiteracy, abolition of this problem requires concerted efforts from all sections of the society.

