The Victims, Causes and Process of Human Trafficking in Bangladesh: An Overview


  • Md. Abdur Rahim


Human Trafficking, Victims, Caueses, Process, Overview


At recent the trafficking is a common buzzword around the world along with Bangladesh. Every year a lot of person are being trafficked from different countries and they are being employed in different unlawful works. Bangladesh is also not an exception to this problem; rather Bangladesh is considererd internationally as homeland and main source for trafficking of men, women, and children. Bangladesh is an under developing country and the people live below poverty line, so it becomes easy for the traffickers to pick up them easily. The present study shows that the traficckers always make a target for trafficking the disadvandaged people of Bangaldesh. Every year a significant portion of the trafficked persons are recruited from Bangladesh in abroard offering them a handsome job and income but later on they are being exploited there in different ways i.e. for commercial sexual exploitation, bonded and forced labor. The study has also focused very evidently the causes of trafficking from Bangladesh. It further has provided the evidence that sometimes the trafficked children are forced to commit crime.  There are some routes in Bangladesh to commit trafficking. The study has concentrated about those routes so that the Government can take proper steps for stopping and eradicating this horrible activity.

