A Bird’s-Eye View: A Critical Analysis of the Practical Implementation of the Global Compact Principles


  • Aradhana Vaishnav Student


Global Compact, socio-economic, sustainability, environments, multidimensional


This study presents a comprehensive examination of the practical implementation of the Global Compact Principles, offering insights from both an Indian and international perspective. Employing a critical lens, the analysis explores the challenges, successes, and shortcomings encountered by organizations and stakeholders in aligning with the principles outlined in the Global Compact, taking into account the distinct socio-economic and cultural contexts of India and the broader international landscape. The study adopts a multidimensional approach that encompasses legal, ethical, and socioeconomic perspectives to assess the effectiveness of the Global Compact in fostering sustainable business practices. Through the scrutiny of case studies, policy frameworks, and empirical data, the
research aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the practical implementation of the Global Compact Principles, both within the Indian corporate framework and in the global context. The comparative analysis seeks to inform ongoing discourse on corporate responsibility and sustainability, inspiring constructive dialogue for enhancing the practical implementation of these principles in diverse business environments.

