Walking Towards Tax for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development: Futuristic Approach and Legal Framework


  • Bhupinder Singh


Tax, Sustainable Development, Legal Framework, Renewable Energy, Social Impact


The world transitions towards a more sustainable future, governments are increasingly relying on tax incentives to encourage the use of renewable energy sources. As the global community grapples with the urgent need for sustainable development and addresses the challenges posed by climate change, the role of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy emerges as a critical aspect of environmental policy and economic strategy. It is imperative to shift away from traditional energy sources, acknowledging the environmental consequences and the need for alternative, cleaner solutions. As nations globally commit to reducing carbon footprints and mitigating climate change, tax policies emerge as potent tools for incentivizing the adoption of renewable energy technologies. This paper delves into the intricate intersection of tax laws, renewable energy initiatives, and the
pursuit of sustainable development goals. The focus lies not only on the current legal frameworks but also on envisioning a futuristic approach to taxation that can propel the transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. The paper systematically navigates through the existing legal landscapes, scrutinizing national and international tax incentives and subsidies tailored to bolster renewable energy projects. Through meticulous analysis and evaluation, it seeks to unveil the efficacy
of these measures in fostering green energy initiatives, reducing dependence on non-renewable resources, and contributing to the broader sustainable development agenda. Drawing on illuminating case studies, the paper highlights successful instances where innovative tax policies have driven substantial advancements in the renewable energy sector. It is poised to contribute valuable insights to policymakers, businesses, and stakeholders engaged in the critical task of steering societies towards a greener, more sustainable future.


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