Half Widows- The Silent Sufferers of Militancy War in Kashmir: An Empirical Study


  • Janees Rafiq Student


Policy intervention, Psychological Challenge, Conflict, Victims, Political Conflict, conform Women, Sexual exploitation of women


The concept of half-widows in Kashmir refers to women whose husbands have disappeared without a trace during the political conflict in the region. These women live in a state of limbo, not knowing whether their husbands are alive or dead, and facing social, economic, and psychological challenges due to their uncertain status. They are also not eligible for the same legal and social benefits as widows, as they cannot legally declare their husbands dead. This situation is further complicated by the lack of an effective legal system to address their plight and provide them with justice. The study conducted in District Srinagar of the state of Jammu and Kashmir reveals the social, economic, and psychological challenges faced by widows and half-widows of political conflict. The study emphasizes the urgent need for policy interventions to address the issues faced by these vulnerable women and provide them with social, economic, and legal support. The findings also underscore the importance of understanding the social dimensions of conflict and their impact on vulnerable populations.


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How to Cite

Rafiq, J. (2023). Half Widows- The Silent Sufferers of Militancy War in Kashmir: An Empirical Study. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice, 7(1), 28–42. Retrieved from https://lawjournals.celnet.in/index.php/jhrlp/article/view/1446