The Legal and Institutional Framework for the Protection of Foreigners in Cameroon


  • Nana Charles Nguindip University of Dschang, Cameroon


Cameroon, Foreigners, Protection, Republic, Standards, Territories


Even though the CEMAC has provided available dispositions and encouraged the free movement of persons and establishments through its sub-region, there have not been general acceptable instruments by the contracting states to effectively control and manage free movement of persons into their territories. This lacuna has made it possible for individual member states to establish individual laws and other dispositions to monitor and control foreigners who intend taking up residence in their territories. These laws range from the Constitution to other relevant texts and documents. A detailed study of Cameroon legal and institutional frameworks will ascertain the degree of protection offered to foreigners in their territories. In addition, analyzing the legal and institutional frameworks of protection is to ensure that the above state respects and establishes standards in conformity to those stipulated by international law. For the purpose of this work, an examination of various legal and institutional dispositions will enable us to justify the treatment given to migrants by this state.




