Legal issues During COVID-19


  • umang dudeja Ims Unison University



COVID-19 , Human Rights, Law for Quarantine, Impact of Cornavirus, Government Rights.


The Novel Coronavirus, Covid-19 is caused by the extreme acute respiratory syndrome. The World Health Organization has called it a pandemic, which is an ongoing global health issue. Globally, Quarantine and travel bans were enforced. India has also subjected people to quarantine or self-quarantine which is legally enforceable. It is in this sense that the outbring is mitigated and regulated. The COVID-19 outbreak in India is therefore of utmost importance not only for India but also for the world. Quarantine is believed to be the oldest method for reducing the rapid spread of bacterial infections and viral attacks. All jurisdictions around the world have legally licensed it for the protection of public health and the prevention of disease transmission. This paper focuses on human rights and laws in respect to the Quarantine and various methods through which this pandemic disease can be controlled by keeping in mind the legal rights.

