Environmental Justice and Fight for Sustainability in William Golding’s “ Lord of the Flies”


  • Amisha J. Jambukiya


Environmental degradation, savage human nature, lack of cooperation, class distinction, power and rule, Social injustice.


This research paper delves into William Golding seminal work, “Lord of the Flies”, exploring the themes of environmental justice and struggle for sustainability which are subtly woven into the narratives. The novel explore the darker aspects of human nature through the boys group. Lack of cooperation within the boys and lack of responsible decision-making in the story mirrors challenges in achieving sustainability, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and mindful resource use for a more harmonious society. ‘Sustainability’ in a simple words, is refers to the ability to meet the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. That means careful use of resources, environmental aspects, considering social equity to create a balance that ensures long term well being for both people and earth. However, boys throughout the story, misuse environmental resources or damage it only for achieving their own needs like food and shelters. In this process they loss their innocence and reach to savagery. Instead of being a mature person after facing many challenges, they lose their morals , become more savage. Also we can see the class distinction among the boys as Piggy is treated as outsider, Jack
become a leader of his group through his power and rule over his own group. The novel doesn showcase sustainability in a positive light, but it seems like that Golding comments for environmental justice and need of sustainability. This novel shows the importance of both, environment and sustainability in the real world. By analyzing key characters, symbols, and events, this study seeks to unravel the novel’s commentary on the environmental justice and fostering sustainability.

