Sustainable Forest Management in an Era of Climate Change – A Study of Indian Laws and Policies


  • Debarati Rudra


Sustainable Forest Management, Climate Change, Laws, Policies, India


Climate Change is a phenomenon mainly caused by excessive concentration of Green House Gases in the atmosphere. The global community is witnessing the impacts of climate change like frequent floods, storms, cyclones, heatwaves, droughts, sea-level rise etc. Forests are both source and sinks of carbon dioxide. Sustainable forest management plays an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation as it balances the developmental needs with conservation of forest ecosystems and helps the
forest-dependent communities to adapt the impacts of climate change. India has been managing its forests sustainably by adopting suitable laws and policies in compliance with its international obligation. Through its Nationally Determined Contributions, India is committed to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce its emissions intensity by 33-35% between 2005 and 2030. Besides, by 2030 India will increase carbon sinks by creating an additional capacity equivalent to 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 through significant afforestation efforts. According to the India State of Forest Report, 2021 there is a minuscule increase of 0.28% of Forest and Tree Cover put together in comparison to its 2019 Report; and the increase in Forest Cover has occurred outside Recorded Forest Area and in forests that are classified as ‘Open Forest’. In reality, this brings manmade plantations within the meaning of ‘Forest’. Therefore, the issue is whether the plantation has the same significance as natural forest in sustainable forest management or not. Against this backdrop, the present study will explore various forest laws and policies of India to determine whether India is forwarding in the right way in sustainable management of its forestry or it should reframe its policies.

