Climatic Changes Affecting Cash Crops in India


  • Durga Vatsala


Cash crops, profit, climatic changes, developing countries, revenue of the government, GDP growth, UNFCCC, Kyoto protocol, non-annex parties and separate legislation


A cash crop is any plant that a farmer raises with the intention of selling it for a profit rather than using it themselves. The largest component of modern agriculture is cash crops. Agriculture has become global phenomenon, all around the world cash crops has grown and exported. Some cash crops like cotton are used for clothing and some other crops are grown for pharmacological value, are used to produce drugs example opium. Based on climatic conditions different types of cash crops grow in different part of the world. The most important reason for growing cash crops in developing countries is to improve income for farmers, to improve job opportunities, to generate revenue for the government, to increase economic stability and to meet with the GDP growth of the country. India is one of the leading producers of cash crops like cotton, jute, sugarcane, tea etc. These cash crops are majorly depended on the high temperature and annual rainfalls of India. Climatic conditions play major role is cash crop production. Although India is a signatory to both the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), no specific climate change legislation or act has yet to be passed in India. Acts like The Environmental Protection Act 1986, The Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1981, The National Green Tribunal Act 2010, The Energy Conservation Act 2001, The Forest Conservation Act 1980, The Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1977, The Wildlife Protection Act 2002, and The Biological Diversity Act 2002 of India. These acts only give diminutive view of climatic changes in India. Still India is listed under non-Annex parties to the UNFCCC because of its low-income. It is high time to enact detailed separate legislation or act related to climatic changes in India. It will incredibly help us to reach real GDP level and to achieve
sustainable agriculture in India.

