India’s Response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Analysing the Impact on Indian Foreign Policy


  • Subhra Pratim Roy


This study delivers an overview of India's response to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and explores its impact on Indian foreign policy. The BRI, an extensive infrastructure development project spanning multiple continents, has raised concerns for India due to its potential strategic and economic implications. This study examines India's approach towards the BRI and analyses its effects on Indian
foreign policy dynamics. The analysis also delves into the impact of India's response on its relations with China, other regional powers, and international organizations. It examines the potential implications for India's economic growth, trade routes, and geopolitical positioning in the Indo-Pacific region. Overall, this study offers valuable insights into India's strategic considerations and policy adjustments in response to China's BRI, highlighting the broader implications for Indian foreign policy in the evolving global order.

