SEBI Guidelines for Equity Listing Agreement


  • Deepali Mahapatra Global College of Law


listing agreement, listing regulation, investor redressed forum, SEBI, transparency, capital market, incorporate, resources, investor


Capital Market regulator SEBI has been devising and enforcing various measures, from time to time, to protect the interest of investors and the sanctity of the capital market by making listed companies more accountable through enhanced disclosures. One Regulation to Rule all are going to be simpler and produce more transparency within the compliance portion for listed companies. The timely compliances will involve cost and resources for listed entities and will cause implementation difficulties for medium and tiny companies. This results into fairly critical for listed companies to assess their preparedness for ensuring compliance and avoiding hefty penalties. Several provisions within the LODR are left for interpretation by the market participants. The sole thanks to find a conclusion is by way of clarification from SEBI. There is also an excellent deal of emphasis on investor redressed. The LODR Regulations also incorporate several other procedural matters that have hitherto been addressed within the listing agreement.

