A Comparative Analysis of Capitalism of Shareholders and Stakeholders


  • S. Moulitharun


Shareholders’ capitalism, Stakeholders’ capitalism, COVID-19.


Shareholder capitalization is a system driven by the interests of shareholders and it is concerned with short-term profit maximization, whereas stakeholder capitalization is a system that concerns the interest of all the stakeholders equally and is focused on long-term value creation. The stakeholder capitalism declaration surpasses prior statements and establishes a contemporary benchmark for corporate accountability. In this research, the author will go through a detailed analysis of shareholders' capitalism and stakeholders' capitalism. This research tends to majorly deal with the comparison between shareholders' capitalism and stakeholders' capitalism and in addition, the impact of COVID-19 on both the former and latter will be elucidated. COVID-19 has adversely affected the
concept of capitalism, by creating a corporate debt crisis which led to supply and production failure. Shareholders' capitalism only deals with the benefit of the shareholders, but stakeholders' capitalism is a holistic approach that ensures the benefit of "people and planet". Thus, this paper focuses on making necessary findings that will substantiate the need to shift from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism for a better society to obtain economic stability.


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