Risk Disclosure in the Financial Statement in the Context of Pakistan


  • Mohammad Naseer Haidari


Risk disclosure, financial statements, Pakistani companies, regulatory framework, stakeholders.


Capital markets depend on accurate and honest financial statement risk disclosure. This report examines risk disclosure in Pakistani enterprises. The research studies risk disclosure methods, the regulatory environment, and Pakistani company risk disclosure criteria. Descriptive research comprises a detailed literature evaluation and analysis of applicable legislation and recommendations.
The results emphasize the need for regulatory reform, risk management improvements, and risk disclosure clarity and precision. The research highlights stakeholder perceptions and involvement in risk disclosure. The report suggests ways for corporations and regulators to improve risk disclosure in Pakistani firms. These guidelines can improve financial reporting transparency, accountability, and stakeholder trust. Policymakers can improve risk disclosure and financial market stability by strengthening the regulatory framework.


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How to Cite

Naseer Haidari, M. . (2023). Risk Disclosure in the Financial Statement in the Context of Pakistan. Journal of Banking and Insurance Law, 6(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://lawjournals.celnet.in/index.php/jbil/article/view/1388