
  • Dr. Preeti Bhardwaj


Abuse, Violence, Lacuna, Targets, Society.


The basic fact attached to the Domestic Violence is that it happens within the four walls of a family. It
not only includes physical violence but also many other abusive tortures which ultimately provide relief
to the ego, dominance and power to male. It is only a way to retain the domination in relationship and
to make the victim feel weak. Although, the crime is done within the limited area yet its bad impact can
be seen in a large society. It is not the victim only who suffers this abuse and torture but the mute
innocent spectatators like kids are also the victims. Such kind of family environment put an irrepairable
loss to the minds of the young children. The most scary par is that this kind of behavior leads to the
death of many people. After going to the depth of its reason, one thing which mainly come across is that
in our society male is a provider. Therefore, there is sole dependence on him for monetary and other
facilities leads him to become more dominating. The other reason which is highly disheartening is that,
Domestic Violence is not seen as a problem in society. Large number of people still takes it as a natural
wear and tear of relationship called marriage. If we do not see victim as a victim, then you can imagine
the situation that how much efforts are being made for relieving them from this kind of hell. Other social
evils like Dowry, Female Foeticide etc. also aids in rising these kinds of gruesome atrocities against
women. Its not the women only but in same proportion children also are the targets of Domestic
Violence. In our society, the position and status of women and children is so vulnerable that they many a
times even not imagine themselves to raise voice against these kinds of tortures. Most importantly, this
paper lays stress on the good side as well as the bad side of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005. The critical
analysis of the Act is significant as it will help in sorting out the problems relating to such gruesome

