Transformative Wave of IoMT, EHRs, RPM Technologies to Revolutionize Public Health


  • Bhupinder Singh


Public Health, IoMT, EHRs, RPM, Data-Driven Solutions


With the proliferation of IoT-connected medical devices, such as wearable fitness trackers, blood pressure monitors, and glucose meters, patients can transmit vital health data to their healthcare teams, leading to early disease detection and proactive management of chronic conditions. This fusion represents a pivotal moment in healthcare, promising to revolutionize how it understand, deliver, and engage with healthcare services. The interconnected network formed by these technologies facilitates a continuous flow of real-time health data, enabling personalized and datadriven healthcare solutions. The epistemological analysis of this transformative wave is crucial for unraveling the underlying knowledge structures and paradigms shaping the future of healthcare. Handling and securing sensitive healthcare data pose substantial challenges in the rapidly evolving landscape of medical technology. The transition to EHRs not only improves the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also aims to enhance patient outcomes through better-coordinated care and the potential for data-driven research. However, the adoption of EHRs is not without its challenges, such as concerns about data security, interoperability issues, and the need for standardized practices.
As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digitalization, EHRs play a central role in ushering in a new era of more connected, accessible, and patient-centric healthcare.


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How to Cite

Singh, B. . (2024). Transformative Wave of IoMT, EHRs, RPM Technologies to Revolutionize Public Health. Indian Journal of Health and Medical Law, 7(2), 22–26. Retrieved from