Implementation of Immunization Program : Is it Need Informed Consent?


  • Rani Tiyas Budiyanti Public Health Faculty Diponegoro University
  • Ayun Sriatmi
  • Nikie Astorina Yunita Dewanti


immunization program, ethical, legal


Immunization program is important to prevent children from getting diseases that can be prevented by immunization. However, in the implementation of this program there were some controversies and rejections related to adverse events following immunization (AEFI), belief, and halal factor. This study aims to determine whether informed consent regarding immunization programs needs to be done considering the importance of immunization for children's health. This research is  normative research with statue and comparative approach. The data comes from law, journal, proceedings, and articles about health law. In many countries, informed consent was needed in immunization program. But there is, any exeption according to belief, philosophy, culture, and religion. In Indonesia, implementation of government program not need informed consent. But, it is not consistent with other regulation about implementation of immunization program. Indonesia needs to review the regulations regarding immunization and synchronize between regulations, so that in the implementation there are no conflicting regulations and overlapping with each other.




How to Cite

Budiyanti, R. T., Sriatmi, A., & Dewanti, N. A. Y. (2019). Implementation of Immunization Program : Is it Need Informed Consent?. Indian Journal of Health and Medical Law, 1(2), 51–54. Retrieved from