Evaluating the Transformative Influence of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM) on Service Quality for the Real Estate Sector in India


  • Ameet Sao
  • Gaurav Thorat
  • Hayri Uygun
  • Rashmi Gujrati


Evaluating, respectively, expectations, stronger relationships, comprehensiveness


In today's dynamic real estate landscape, the integration of e-CRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) systems has emerged as a dominant force in enhancing customer service and fostering enduring relationships with clients. Aim: This research aims to analyse the influence of e-CRM on the SERVQUAL dimensions - reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy, and responsiveness. Methodology: A structured questionnaire, employing a 5-point Likert scale, was designed to assess the impact of e-CRM on these dimensions. A non-probabilistic snowball sampling method yielded 278 valid responses, which were analysed using SPSS-25. Findings: Regression analysis revealed significant impacts on assurance and responsiveness, with β coefficients of 0.46 and 0.38, respectively, and significant p-values. Preferences for online property searches were evident, although satisfaction with reliability varied. Mixed sentiments were observed regarding personalized recommendations and investment assistance. Website navigation and design generally met expectations, but inconsistencies were noted in property information and search experiences. Trust in online reviews and social media varied, with concerns about data security. Implications: The study underscores the importance of leveraging e-CRM practices to elevate customer service and cultivate stronger relationships in the real estate sector. Real estate companies should prioritize enhancing the accuracy and comprehensiveness of information provided on their websites/apps to meet evolving customer expectations.


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