About the Journal
National Journal of Cyber Security Law (NJCSL)
ISSN: 2582-9750
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.51
Index Copernicus (ICV) 2022 = 58.42
DOI- 10.37591/NJCSL
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Journal’s Summary
National Journal of Cyber Security Law publishes original research and review articles in this interdisciplinary cyber domain. It is a research Journal on various Cyber Security challenges. Scholarly contributions in this discipline are welcome to cover the various aspects of cybersecurity. National Journal of Cyber Security Law provides a hub around which the interdisciplinary Cyber Security community can form a robust knowledge base. This journal is committed to provide quality research & review literature that is very significant for students, academicians and experts in real-world implications and solutions. It's a biannual journal (frequency January-June and July-December), started in 2018.
Focus and Scope:
- computer science and security
- security and crime science
- cryptography and associated topic
- security economics
- legal aspects of information security
- political and policy perspectives
- strategy and international relations and privacy
The scope of the Journal of Cyber Security Law covers the areas of Information system and research thoroughly and resolves the cyber threat issues. Authors should ensure that their articles can be read at both interdisciplinary and disciplinary levels. For example, a paper may require, for completely rigorous communication, a technical, mathematical, statistical, or other specialized section. Authors are expected to include an introductory summary of the content of the section describing its significance.
- Impact of cyber warfare on privacy, identity theft.
- International law governing Censorship, online privacy, copyright regulations
- Online Intermediaries in the governance of Internet
- Social Networking Sites vis-à-vis Human Rights
- Data Protection, Cyber Security,
- Legal recognition of Digital Evidence
- Recognition of liability in the digital world
- Jurisdiction Issues in Transnational Crime
- Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- ICANN’s core principles and the domain names disputes
- Net neutrality and the EU electronic communications regulatory framework
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
- E-commerce evolution
- payment mechanism in cyberspace
- Advertising& Taxation vis-a-vis e-commerce
- Consumer protection in cyberspace.
Readership: Graduate/ Postgraduate students, Research Scholars, Faculties, Industrialists, Independent Professionals, Government institutions
Indexing: The Journal is indexed in Google Scholar
Submission of Paper:
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its focus and scope, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Manuscripts are invited from academicians, students, research scholars, industrialists, independent professionals and faculties for publication consideration.
Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email [email protected]/ [email protected]
Subject: Cyber Law, internet, security
Plagiarism: All the articles will be checked through Plagiarism Software before publication.
Abbreviation: NJCSL
Frequency: Two issues per year
Peer Reviewed Policy:
Peer review is the most important part of the scientific publication process. Peer review is basically the process of engaging experts to review the articles submitted for publication in journals, this is done in order to validate the research and to enhance the quality of the articles that are published in the journal.
The peer review process is actually a demarcating line that decides what a research is and what is merely a hypothesis. This process screens the articles for their originality or work, their relevance to the previously published work and does the work meet the required standard so as to be published as a research article. The bottom line to conduct a peer review is to eliminate the possibility that science is just another opinion.
Basic design of a peer review process:
1) The process begins with the submission of article to the journal
2) The first step begins as the editor of the journal checks if the article falls under the focus and scope of the journal. If the article does not fall under the focus and scope of the journal it is rejected with feedback and necessary changes to the author, if the article do fall under the focus and scope of the journal it is forwarded to the next step of review.
3) Here the reviewer checks for the originality, validity, significance, theory , evidence and other parameters based on the guidelines of the editors and yardsticks to measure the quality of the article.
4) Reviewer then make necessary comments and send the paper back to the editorial board, a reviewer may accept the paper as it is, reject or suggest changes in the manuscript, this information is conveyed to the authors
5) Editor of the journal then make final decision to publish the article based on the reviewers comments. And finalize the time frame for publishing the article.
6) Finally the accepted articles appear in the publication.
For further details on the publishing process and guidelines that an author and editor should follow, and to know more about the yardstick of the reviewers we would suggest you to go through the Author and Editors Guidelines.
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Publisher: Law Journals, an imprint of Consortium E-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
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