Interesectionality of Law and Sociology: A Comprehensive Research Endeavor


  • Aishwarya


law and sociology, social institutions, globalization, social control, sociology of law


The interdisciplinary field of sociology and law is a growing field that emerged in the earlier half of the twentieth century. Today, the sociology of law has achieved much significance because of the diversity of perspectives and research efforts put into the field. This discipline aims to understand the role of law in society and vice versa. The evolution of the field of sociology and the various perspectives of theorists on the sociology of law have been discussed. Law plays an important role besides legislation in the functioning of several social institutions of society such as politics, culture, economy, etc. to maintain social order. The effects of globalization, which is reaching its zenith in the contemporary world, on law, the idea of global law and global police, and the deformities of such concepts are dealt with in the article.


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Id. at 266.

Id. at 267.

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LITTLE & MCGIVERN, supra note.

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Id. at 272-273.

Id. at 275.



How to Cite

Aishwarya. (2024). Interesectionality of Law and Sociology: A Comprehensive Research Endeavor. Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence, 7(2), 58–70. Retrieved from