Analyzing the Federal Model Adopted by India During Covid-19


  • Sanketh Rao
  • Chenna Reddy


Categorized, cooperative structure, generis, framework, federalism


We have a wealth of information from the seventy years of Indian federal debate to assess the constitutional processes used to support this framework. In this context, it becomes salient to first contextualize the unusual operation of federalism in India to precisely understand the appropriate navigation of the system through the pandemic. This is particularly important in the context of India's COVID-19 second wave, which was a result of a combination of triumphalism and complacency in handling the first wave. Therefore, this paper argues that despite the response to COVID-19 being categorized as unitary, scholarly arguments made for the avoidance of federalism during such unprecedented times are not justified due to the sui generis design of the Indian system which calls for a more cooperative structure.


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How to Cite

Rao, S. ., & Reddy, C. . (2024). Analyzing the Federal Model Adopted by India During Covid-19. Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence, 7(2), 27–34. Retrieved from